SUMMER TRAINING के साथ इंडस्ट्रीज विजिट की सुविधा, बात करके जानकारी जरूर लें।
Hello, My name is TEJ PRATAP SINGH, working in NITRA POWER-LOOM SERVICE CENTER, Kanpur as Technical officer cum office in-charge. We have a background in textile Training and Testing facilities, partnered with NITRA PLSC KANPUR in Affordable prices. This is not a NITRA's official website , its only for promotional purpose. so if you want to visit NITRA official than please refer to contact at
My Background
2016 - 2017 Birla Textile Mills - Spinning
2017 -2018 Sahu Exports - Garment
2018-Present NITRA - Weaving and Testing
Experience and Expertise
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NITRA Power loom Service Centre
110, Meer Cantt., Kanpur - 208004